Friday, February 9, 2007


A foul smelling place that has trapped the souls of many girls and boys.Colorful walls of paint ,sprayed with creativity and a push of the index finger and the sway of the wrist. This place is more dangerous than a serial killer. The noise of the freeway does not allow you to hear yourself speak , but why would you want to open your mouth cause a fly might fly into it. This place is the most dangerous place I’ve been to and I hope I never or anyone else has to go through.
“A diamond in the rough”, is what some of my friends call the tagging on the wall. Some do it just for a hobby or just to past time. But I respect the one’s that do it to tell a message. Some of the art down there is legendary ,like cope2 or seen and other writers. I also do it not because I want to be a vandal or a delinquent because I’m doing it in a place that’s abandoned and not disturbing anyone. I wear a mask because of the fumes of the paint and baggy black clothing cause if the paint gets on me or if 5-0 comes and I don’t need vandalism on my record right now or ever. You can also meet local writers I have met many all have good advice and all have experience, can learn a lot .
It has been years since a cleaner upper or what ever their called has came down there and clean the walk that leads to a lot of places like walmart and togo’s . If your just walking along the road it doesn't take long til you see a cat's carcass or dog mess.I mean like are you kidding me I dont want to step in dog poo,or anyone else at that matter.On the other side of the creek water is a couple of houses ,but a little farther down is the freeway. The nosie is horriable and the waste people drop from their cars and diapers and garbage that flys out and in to the land and water of the creek and makes it smell like a port-a-potty after a 300 pound man uses it right after winning a chill dog contest.
My friends also call this place,"the devils heart"!Cause some say when u die hopefully the devil says he doesn't want your soul because it's probly to goody-goody, but some people ared own there for the wroung reason. While your down there nobody can help you I mean why would they because they were the one's telling not to go down there instaed you didn't listen. So now your missing and your families crying after hearing they cops found your body but it's to late.Yet all they can say is im sorry, all you can hear at the funeral is im sorry ,but what you want to hear is I told you so. Dont ever go down there unless you want meet a killer that you cant kill, cant see, cant hear, but always with you if you want to visit.The scary thing is about this story thats it's all true!

1 comment:

Leslie iLLmatic said...

Holy crap. This is some god sh!t. I never expacted someone as mean as you to be so damned talented. I mean, I knew you rode your skate board, and are a graffiti artist.. but your good with words, too. I must say,. I'm expremelt impressed >_> High five, yo.